Please take the time to read this recent CNN report. I believe this report since it happened to me in 2022 and also recently with many people that I personally know. Women's empowerment is a good lifestyle improvement for women but it has caused more divorces. Sure, there are other reasons but take a look at the graph. Where do you fit in?
Also, the report states this Gray Divorce epidemic will worsen. I've personally seen 80 year old men in the Philippines with younger beautiful wives. My new girlfriend is fantastic and we are closing in on our 1'st year anniversary. She's one of the best people I've ever met in my long life. One reason? She's a Pinay Filipino.
I left America and I'm in Cebu helping men find a much better and sometimes younger partner and wife. I'll keep this vlog short but this article and graph speak the Truth.
Try not to die lonely and alone. Come get a Filipino Partner or wife!

Awesome sad data! Come to the Philippines! Change your Life!