I try to write everyday on this site. To build character, trust and a reality for my readers. I look out my window everyday and Thank my chosen God for the reality that I was afraid to find and achieve. It hasn't been easy emotionally or financially to achieve my new Philippine goals.
Emotionally due to losing a 7-year relationship that wasn't my fault and financially due to the difficulty in moving money to the Philippines. Some issues are converting to a cash society and not being able to just call my credit card company if there's an issue. I can chat with them but sometimes I must speak a representative. That can cost money in phone calls to dodo.
Anyways, my point is I stayed "Laban Tayo". That's Bisayan (Cebu's language but most Filipino's speak English) and it means to "stay strong". It's a very common phrase here since there is a lot of poverty and uncertainty for the people and families. Being a foreigner with foreign money does help make a difference and I do help Cebuian's out.
Back to my ocean view. It's very difficult in the world to find an ocean view you can afford that has a city and developed infrastructure. I've managed to do so with my wisdom and spiritual guidance.
Also, buying from local Karinderya (small family home-cooked cafe), buying at the local food Merkado and of course street food is quite inexpensive. I'll give you an example. Just now I spent 85 pesos, or $1.53 US and bought lunch for my girlfriend and I. We bought one medium-grilled Matambaka (Cow-eyed) fish, a bowl of bean pole vegetables (hantak/ pole sitar and four (4) pork chicken lumpia rolls. It was really delicious. The Filipino food isn't weird. It's actually very good. There's lots of chicken and fish here. Pizzas and hamburgers. Mexican food isn't that common but it's here. Like I said before in a prior blog, blood sausage from pork or chicken blood is actually weirdly different but very delicious. It takes a lot of work to make and then they grill it on a stick. It's high in iron and nutritious. My pinay girlfriend tried it and she loves it. I like it was well.
So there's a small overview for you!
